Digital Classics Online

About the Journal

Digital Classics Online is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that features scholarship, tools, and research produced by the digital humanities in the field of Classical Studies and related studies on the ancient world. All items are provided under one open-access licence (CC-BY).

Manuscripts (languages: German, English, French and Italian) can be submitted through our electronic publishing system. We highly encourage articles from young scientists, young researchers and PhD students, the results of Digital Humanities-centred seminars directed by experienced scholars, essays, and seminar or workshop papers, as well as results of meetings or conference proceedings. The quality of submitted manuscripts will be reviewed in a peer review process.

A monographic series known as “Digital Classics Books” (working title) will complement the journal. Individual articles from Digital Classics Online that will be expanded to monographs, or several papers that are dedicated to a special topic and extended to form a volume, may be included in this series. It will also include publications for academic qualification (theses, Habilitation), using the methods of the Digital Humanities in Classical Studies. The quality of submitted manuscripts for “Digital Classics Books” will be ensured in a peer review process.

Please read the editorial guidelines and Instructions for Online Submission, the Open Access Agreement Terms and follow the instructions of the Style Sheet in the area “For Authors”. In the area Frequently Asked Questions section we provide information about the licensing framework, open access, quality assurance and dates.

Current Issue

Bd. 10,1 (2024)
Published: 2024-05-24