


On this webpage you will find preprint versions of Germania papers in Open Access, before they appear in the printed edition. The contributions are organised by year and displayed within the sections in the order in which they were published; the most recent articles are at the top.

As soon as the volume has been finalised, all articles receive their final page numbers and the volume is finally published both as a printed edition and online. Here the articles receive their permanent URL including DOI and are also accessible in Open Access, while the Early View editions remain accessible at this location. 


GERMANIA 101, 2023




John Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska, Tina Jakob, New perspectives on deliberate fragmentation and bodily mobility.

• Andrea Zeeb-Lanz, Alexander Gramsch, Herxheim unchained: a reply to Chapman et al.
• Rouven Turck, An archaeometrical perspective on “New perspectives on deliberate fragmentation
and bodily mobility” by John Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska and Tina Jakob
• Alasdair Whittle, The puzzle of LBK endings: the curious (and special) case of Herxheim
• Daniela Hofmann, Modelling the unique: fragmentation, bodily mobility and the case of Herxheim
• Stefan Schreiber, After the break? Against parts and wholes

• John Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska, Tina Jakob, Fragmenting and moving the parts: a reply



Daniela Hofmann, Review of: Silviane Scharl, Jungsteinzeit. Wie die Menschen sesshaft wurden

Jens Notroff, Review of: Mattia Cartolano, Animal and Human Symbolism in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of the Near East

Eszter Bánffy, Review of: Bradley E. Ensor, The Not Very Patrilocal European Neolithic. Strontium, aDNA, and Archaeological Kinship Analyses

Pál Raczky, Review of: Wolfram Schier / Florin Drašovean (eds), Uivar “Gomilă”: A Prehistoric Settlement in the Romanian Banat. Vol. I: Site, Architecture, Stratigraphy and Dating

Detlef Gronenborn, Review of: Ute Seidel, Oberderdingen-Grossvillars, Lkr. Karlsruhe. Epirössen und der Beginn der Michelsberger Kultur. With contributions by Tillmann Baum, Jutta Hoffstadt, Michael J. Kaiser, Birgit Regner-Kamlah and Werner Scharff

Eleonore Pape, Review of: Sandra Fetsch, Die Michelsberger Kultur in Hessen. Eine Analyse chronologischer und räumlicher Entwicklungen

Christian Jeunesse, Review of: Birgit Regner-Kamlah, Das Erdwerk der Michelsberger Kultur von Bruchsal “Aue”. Eine lange Geschichte

Eleonore Pape, Review of: Carla Drummer, Vom Kollektiv zum Individuum. Transformationsprozesse am Übergang vom 4. zum 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. in der deutschen Mittelgebirgszone

Christian Meyer, Review of: Jessica Ryan-Despraz, Practice and Prestige. An Exploration of Neolithic
Warfare, Bell Beaker Archery, and Social Stratification from an Anthropological Perspective

Jos Kleijne, Review of: Cormac McSparron, Burials and Society in Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Ireland

Olivier Lemercier, Review of: Yvan Pailler / Clément Nicolas (eds), Une maison sous les dunes. Beg Ar Loued, Île Molène, Finistère. Identité et adaptation des groupes humains en mer d’Iroise entre les IIIe et le IIe millénaires avant notre ère

Gunter Schöbel, Review of: Albert Hafner / Ekaterina Dolbunova / Andrey N. Mazurkevich / Elena Pranckenaite /Martin Hinz (Hrsg.), Settling Waterscapes in Europe. The Archaeology of Neolithic and Bronze Age Pile-Dwellings

Antonia Blanco-González, Review of: Martin Bartelheim / Francisco Contreras Cortés / Roland Hardenberg (eds), Landscapes and Resources in the Bronze Age of Southern Spain

Daniel Neumann, Review of: José Eduardo M. de Medeiros, Hortfunde der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit. Ein prozesslogischer Paradigmawechsel

Sebastian Fürst, Review of: Bertrand Bonaventure / Stéphane Carrara (eds), Axes fluviaux et territoires à l’âge du Fer

Hans Nortmann, Review of: Fabien Delrieu / Clément Féliu / Philippe Gruat / Marie-Caroline Kurzaj / Élise Nectoux (Hrsg.), Espaces fortifiés à l’âge du Fer en Europe

Melanie Augstein, Review of: Jan Christoph Breitwieser, Frankfurt am Main-Harheim. Die hallstattzeitlichen Gräberfelder

Caroline von Nicolai, compte rendu de: Ariane Ballmer / Katharina Schäppi / Philippe della Casa, Der Westabhang des Mont Lassois (Vix / F). Befestigung, Unterstadt und Kultplatz der Eisenzeit. Ausgrabungen der Universität Zürich 2009 – 2014. Befunde und Kleinfunde

Francesca Fulminate, Review of: Donata Sarracino, Depositi votivi del Lazio meridionale. Pratiche religiose e identità culturale tra il IX e il V secolo a. C.

Andrew Lawrence, Review of: Andrew Tibbs, Facing the Enemy? A GIS Study of 1st Century Roman Fortifications in the Scottish Landscape

Thomas Heide, Review of: Sadi Maréchal, Bathing at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Baths and Bathing Habits in the North-Western Corner of Continental Europe

Anna Flückiger, Review of: Fraser Hunter / Annemarie Kaufmann-Heinimann / Kenneth Painter (†) (Hrsg.), The Late Roman Silver Treasure from Traprain Law

Gerda von Bülow, Review of: Olivera Ilić, Late Antiquity and Early Christianity in the Roman Provinces of Moesia Prima and Dacia Ripensis

Helle Horsnæs, Review of: Jérémie Chameroy / Pierre-Marie Guihard (eds), Argentum Romanorum sive Barbarorum. Tradition und Entwicklung im Gebrauch des Silbergeldes im römischen Westen (4.–6. Jh.) / Permanences et évolution des usages monétaires de l’argent du IVe au VIe siècle dans l’Occident romain

Matthias Hardt, Review of: Jochen Haberstroh / Irmtraut Heitmeier (eds), Gründerzeit. Siedlung in Bayern zwischen Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter

Alex R. Furger, Review of: Bendeguz Tobias, Frühmittelalterliche Gräber mit Beigabe von Werkzeugen zur Metallbearbeitung

Dieter Quast, Review of: Stefanie Zintl, Frühmittelalterliche Grabräuber? Wiedergeöffnete Gräber der Merowingerzeit und Astrid A. Noterman, Approche archéologique des réouvertures de sépultures mérovingiennes dans le nord de la France (VIe – VIIIe siècle)

Søren M. Sindbæk, Review of: Bente Sven Majchczack, Die Rolle der nordfriesischen Inseln im frühmittelalterlichen Kommunikationsnetzwerk

Axel Christophersen, Review of: Mads Runge / Malene Refshauge Beck / Mikael Manøe Bjerregaard / Torben Birk Sarauw (eds), From Central Space to Urban Place. Urbanisation Processes in Viking Age and
Medieval Odense and Aalborg, Denmark

Birgitta Hårdh, Review of: John Naylor / Eleanor Standley, The Watlington Hoard. Coinage, Kings and the Viking Great Army in Oxfordshire, AD 875–880

Anne Pedersen, Review of: Anna-Elisabeth Jensen, Freunde und Feinde. Dania Slavica. Südseeland, Lolland-Falster und Møn in der Wikingerzeit und im Hochmittelalter

Susanne Grunwald, Review of: Predrag Novaković, The History of Archaeology in the Western Balkans

Martina Meyr, Review of: Kieran Gleave / Howard Williams / Pauline Magdalene Clarke (Hrsg.), Public Archaeologies of Frontiers and Borderlands

Daniela Hofmann, Review of: Kristian Kristiansen, Archaeology and the Genetic Revolution in European Prehistory

Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen, Review of: Jochen Weber / Joachim Wahl / Albert Zink (Hrsg.), Osteologische Paläopathologie. Ein Handbuch für Anthropologen, Mediziner und Archäologen

Julian Wiethold, Review of: Jérôme Ros, 2000 ans d’agriculture en Roussillon

Reinhard Bernbeck, Review of: Aaron Tugendhaft, The Idols of ISIS. From Assyria to the Internet

Susan Pollock, Review of: Koji Mizoguchi / Claire E. Smith, Global Social Archaeologies. Making a Difference in a World of Strangers