Erweiterter Kompetenzerwerb zur Analyse und Beschreibung histologischer Präparate

Entwicklung einer praktischen Unterrichtseinheit

  • Jasmine Pahle (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The preliminary medical examination (“Physikum”), as a state examination, is a significant milestone in medical training. This exam not only tests knowledge, but also various com-petencies. However, skills can only be tested properly if they have been practiced and learned first. In this specific case, the first state examination regarding Histology frequent-ly asked students to sketch or document the histological slice they were tested on, and to give a verbal description and analysis with a final assignment of the section to a tissue. Unfortunately, the histological courses often lack the time to practice these competencies. Thus, there was a need for a teaching unit addressing these competencies. This unit was designed and taught in two consecutive years. The learning objectives focused on the skills of graphical documentation and analytical description using the technical vocabulary of histological slices. This paper illustrates the creation and development of a practical teaching unit from a voluntary extracurricular event to a teaching unit that can be integrat-ed into the curriculum and its significance for the acquisition of crucial skills by students.




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Type, method or approach
Preclinical, Histological Slices, Histological Terms, Scientific Drawing