Kultur – Bildung – Archäologie. Anmerkungen zum Verhältnis von Archäologie und historischem Lernen

  • Wolfgang Hasberg (Author)

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The triangle of culture – education – archaeology describes a very fundamental coherence, even though it is reduced to historical education in this case. The relationsship will become much more complicated, if culture is not limited to materialization or institutions, but is perceived as a social textile of sense, as it is usually in the context of cultural sciences. If, at the same time, history is regarded as matter in the context of cultural sciences, this comprehension has affects to historical learning. In this sense, historical thinking creates its subject by its own. Insofar as archaeology is a part of historical sciences it is connected to historical thinking/learning, too. In consequence, it has to regard the essentials of historical learning, where archaeology is targeted to historical education. Because of this reasons didactics of archaeology are dispensable.



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Culture, education, history education, history thinking, history lessons