Paraphrasensuche mittels word2vec und der Word Mover’s Distance im Altgriechischen

  • Marcus Pöckelmann (Auteur)
    Institut für Informatik Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1 06120 Halle (Saale)
  • Jörg Ritter (Auteur)
    Institut für Informatik Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1 06120 Halle (Saale)
  • Eva Wöckener-Gade (Auteur)
    Lehrstuhls für Gräzistik Institut für klassische Philologie und Komparatistik Universität Leipzig Beethovenstr. 15 04107 Leipzig
  • Charlotte Schubert (Auteur)
    Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte Historisches Seminar Universität Leipzig Beethovenstr. 15 04107 Leipzig

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To find receptions of Plato‘s work within the ancient Greek literature, automatic methods would be a useful assistance. Unfortunately, such methods are often knowledge-based and thus restricted to extensively annotated texts, which are not available to a sufficient extent for ancient Greek. In this article, we describe an approach that is based on the distributional hypotheses instead, to overcome the problem of missing annotations. This approach uses word2vec and the related Word Mover‘s Distance to determine phrases with similar meaning. Despite its experimental state, the method produces some meaningful results as shown in three examples. 




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Contributeur ou commenditaire
Platon, Rezeption, Paraphrasen, word2vec, Word Mover’s Distance