Online availability, impact and sustainability of digital papyrological resources

  • Lucia Vannini (Auteur)
    Institute of Classical Studies, London

    I studied classics and digital humanities in Firenze (BA+MA and PhD in classics) and London (MA in digital humanities and PhD in digital classics). I am particularly interested in papyrology and the integration of digital humanities research with practice within this discipline. In my recently defended dissertation, "The role of digital humanities in papyrology", I examined papyrological resources in the light of digital humanities scholarship, and the impact of the new technologies and methods on papyrologists' research practices.

Identifiants (Article)


This article discusses opportunities and current issues of digital approaches for papyrology. It seeks to determine whether good practice is adopted throughout the development of the projects, thereby allowing use, reuse and sustainability over the long term, hence ongoing usefulness and usability, while suggesting possible improvements. I shall reflect on how the growth and evolution of digital content and tools, which rely on novel ways of representing and sharing primary sources, analysis and interpretation, with their various purposes and audiences, is assisting the papyrologist's work with new modes of research practices and of scholarly communication.


Papyrology, Electronic publishing, Sustainability, Digital collections