Ein ungewöhnlicher Drachengriffel von der Burg Anhalt im Harz

Identifiers (Article)


At Anhalt castle in the Selke Valley, a stylus stemming probably from the 13th century was found, which shows an animal-riding figure. No other styli with a comparable depiction have been known so far. A man with strong body hair is riding backwards on a lion, or perhaps a wolf or dog, and is taming his mount. We probably must interpret him as a Wild Man. The Wild Man motif was very popular within the courtly culture during the High and Late Middle Ages. In order to inquire into the meaning of the unusual depiction we must consider courtly literature of the 12th to 13th centuries, figurative architectural sculpture, book illustrations, and tapestry. The stylus has to be regarded as a status symbol of a member of the literate Ascanian courtly society.

