Die Kontrolle des Meeres: Alkibiades und die Sizilische Expedition

  • Christoph Schäfer (Author)
    Universität Trier

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Based on modern naval war theories which consider the control of hotspots to be crucial, the question will be asked why Sicily was so attractive for Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Using the example of the sea connections, it will be demonstrated that in antiquity (in the Peloponnesian War) such hotspots (Straits of Messina, Kamarina, etc.) were important for the control of the sea routes and in particular, were known already by Alcibiades. Alcibiades, in contrast to Thucydides who thinks more from a land point of view, has obviously recognized the importance of hotspots for the control of the sea. This means that a strategy based on the control of trade routes as the basis of economic added value must be thought of from the sea. The bottom line is that naval warfare requires a specific strategy that leads to a dynamic, which in turn defines the sea as a space of its own, open and without frontiers.




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Seekrieg, Sizilien, Peloponnesischer Krieg, Thukydides, Alkibiades, Seehandeln, Seerouten