Die Visualisierung von Quellennetzwerken am Beispiel Plutarchs

  • Charlotte Schubert (Auteur)
    Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte Historisches Seminar Universität Leipzig

Identifiants (Article)

Identifiants (Fichiers)


This paper focuses on the research on visualizations that support close and distant reading of textual data in the digital classics. The visualization and analysis of textual relationships will be thematised suggesting a taxonomy of classical textual sources as well as the surplus of potentially beneficial visualization approaches for research using graphs to analyze the textual relationship. Based upon the inherent textual content and using the texts’ associated metadata network graphs (created with Gephi) are presented which allow an anlysis of relationships among the textual contents of Plutarch’s work.




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Weitere Ressourcen (zuletzt aufgerufen am 18.02.2016):

eAQUA, Extraktion von strukturiertem Wissen aus Antiken Quellen für die Altertumswissenschaft, URL: http://www.eAQUA.net

Gephi - The Open Graph Viz Platform,


Visualisierung, Gephi, Taxonomie, Quellennetzwerk, Plutarch