κριθή oder πυρός? - Eine systematische Annäherung an den Getreideanbau im klassischen Athen mit Hilfe der Kookkurrenzanalyse von eAQUA und den Word Frequency Statistics der Perseus Digital Library

  • Sven-Philipp Brandt (Autore)
    Universität Göttingen

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This article deals with the long-lasting discussion about grain (e.g. demand, crop growing, trade and consumption of wheat or barley) in Classical Athens. The author of this article tries to augment this discussion with the help of some tools of the Digital Humanities, especially the analysis of cooccurrences of eaqua.net and the word frequency study tool of the Perseus Digital Library. The Blended Reading will be the main method, so the quantitative and the qualitative analysis of the ancient literary sources will be combined in order to get new information about the distribution of barley and wheat in classical times.



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Parole chiave
Textmining, Kookkurrenzanalyse, Antiker Getreidehandel,