Entre architecture "Turco-islamique" et "Derviches colonisateurs": revisiter les zaviye-s en Anatolie médiévale
Identifier (Artikel)
Focusing on the case of the architecture related to mystical communities in medieval Anatolia, this paper proposes to question a specific historiography which, influenced by a formalist and typological approach, studied zaviye-s independently from other religious foundations and architectures. Even though recently, several studies about architecture in medieval Anatolia have revised this approach to a so-called Turko-Islamic architecture, religious or pious buildings remains rare. Some dervish lodges built during the end of the twelfth century and the beginning of the thirteenth century have been preserved, yet the construction of such pious foundations devoted to mystical communities markedly increased in the second half of the thirteenth century and the beginning of the fourteenth century. This paper proposes to analyze the different ways zaviye-s and their architecture were studied in the context of Islamic architecture in medieval Anatolia in order to underline new perspectives for further works and question how could we place the architecture related to mystical communities in the broader context of a multicultural society.
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