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kunsttexte.de - Journal für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte
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Architektur – Stadt – Raum
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Ökologie(n) in der Kunst
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kunsttexte e. V.
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Transkulturelle Perspektiven
24 Titel
Transkulturelle Perspektiven
Elisabetta Colla
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Living Traditions: The Museum as a Platform for the Promotion and Conservation of Asian Puppet Theatre
Robin Ruizendaal
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Korean Gardens outside of Korea: The Re-Construction of National Cultural Identity
Maria Sobotka
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Chinese Money Matters – So why Does it Have Such a Low Profile?
Helen Wang
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Japan in Venice: Collecting Tastes around the Birth of the Museo d’Arte Orientale
Marta Boscolo Marchi
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Collecting karamono kodō 唐物古銅 in Meiji Japan: Archaistic Chinese Bronzes in the Chiossone Museum, Genoa, Italy
Donatella Failla
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Acheter un petit chinois: The Jesuit Museum of Chinese Art in Quebec
Karen Tam
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
The Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw: New Beginning and Challenges
Maria Szymańska-Ilnata
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
The Collections of the Orient Museum (Fundação Oriente-Museu do Oriente): Polysemy and Metonymy
Sofia Campos Lopes
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
The Museo Nacional de Arte Oriental in Buenos Aires: From European Taste for Oriental Art to Genuine Interest in the East
Florencia Rodríguez Giavarini
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Imagining the Orient: Early Collecting at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Laura Vigo
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Challenging the Framing of Asia and the Role of the KVVAK (Royal Asian Art Society in the Netherlands): The Asian Pavilion of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
Annette Loeseke
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
Asia Collections outside Asia: Questioning Artefacts, Cultures and Identities in the Museum: Introduction
Iside Carbone, Helen Wang
Nr. 4 (2020): Kunsttexte
The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives: Diaspora, Memory, and Movement
Monalisha Saikia
Nr. 1 (2019): Kunsttexte
‘Tibetan Treasures’ of the Weltmuseum Wien: A First Critical Approach to René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz’s Policy of Collecting
Uwe Niebuhr, Verena Widorn
Nr. 1 (2019): Kunsttexte
World Systems Perspectives and Art: A Case Study of the Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art in the Netherlands
Laura E.A. Braden, Naomi Oosterman
Nr. 1 (2019): Kunsttexte
Representing Tibet Abroad: Tibetan Heritage, Art and Material Culture: Editorial
Regina Höfer
Nr. 1 (2019): Kunsttexte
Introduction: Architectural Models, Mobility, and Building Techniques: Modes of Transfer in Medieval Anatolia, Byzantium, and the Caucasus
Patricia Blessing
Nr. 3 (2014): Kunsttexte
Buildings in their patrons’ hands? The multiform function of small size models between Byzantium and Transcaucasia
Maria Cristina Carile
Nr. 3 (2014): Kunsttexte
Entre architecture "Turco-islamique" et "Derviches colonisateurs": revisiter les zaviye-s en Anatolie médiévale
Maxime Durocher
Nr. 3 (2014): Kunsttexte
The Zhamatun of Horomos: The Shaping of an Unprecedented Type of Fore-church Hall
Armen Kazaryan
Nr. 3 (2014): Kunsttexte
Brick Muqarnas on Rūm Saljuq buildings - The introduction of an Iranian decorative technique into the architecture of Anatolia
Richard Piran McClary
Nr. 3 (2014): Kunsttexte
Imperial References: The Gök Medrese in Sivas as an Example of the Use of Marble in Thirteenth-century Anatolia
Sophia Vassilopoulou
Nr. 3 (2014): Kunsttexte
Architectural Models, Mobility, and Building Techniques: Content
Patricia Blessing
Nr. 3 (2014): Kunsttexte
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