Strahlkraft vor grauem Grund bei Banksy und Zolaykha Sherzad
Notizen zu zwei Varianten der Positionierung von Gegenwartskunst inmitten zugespitzter Krisen und modernen Erbes
Identifier (Artikel)
How can works of art position themselves, in the present time? What can be their meaning in an environment of global crisis and how can they react it? It is with these questions in mind, that this contribution focusses on one work by Banksy and one work by Zolaykha Sherzad. Both works position themselves in different ways in relation to crisis and react to modern forms of artistic presentation. But these two references also bring ambivalences to the table, as e.g. the works’ use of form differs from that of given modernist points of reference. Differences like these pose the question, whether our idea of Modernism might be too monolithic.
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