Sound Unheard – An Exhibition at the Goethe-Institut Paris
Identifier (Artikel)
The exhibition Sound Unheard took place at the Goethe-Institut Paris/France from 13 September to 27 October 2019. It was curated by Daniele Balit, Katharina Scriba and Anne Zeitz. The exhibition connects the foundational sound practices of Rolf Julius, Christina Kubisch and Terry Fox with more recent works by Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Nicholas Bussmann and Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Nina Canell, Moritz Fehr, Mario de Vega and Miki Yui. Sound Unheard was co-produced by the Gaîté Lyrique and realized in cooperation with the German Center for Art History in Paris. The following texts stem from the exhibition booklet and include the descriptions of the works as well as the biographies of the artists. The texts were written by Daniele Balit and Anne Zeitz.


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